Saturday, March 7, 2020

New Year Greetings and Quotes

New Year Greetings and Quotes Do you want to send a special New Year greeting to your friends? Here is a great collection of New Year greetings. Some of the greetings convey worldly wisdom, while others present a diverse perspective about the New Year. Choose from this collection of New Year greetings to send good wishes to your near and dear ones. Thomas MannTime has no divisions to mark its passage; there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.Hamilton Wright MabieNew Years Eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.Charles LambNo one ever regarded the first of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam.Alfred Lord TennysonRing out the old, ring in the new,Ring, happy bells, across the snow:The year is going, let him go;Ring out the false, ring in the true.William Ellery ChanningI will seek elegance rather than luxury, refinement rather than fashion. I will seek to be worthy more than respectable, wealthy and not rich. I will study hard, think quietly, talk gently, and act frankly. I will listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with an open heart. I will bear all things cheerfully, do all things bravely await occasions and hurry never. In a word, I will let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common.Ann LandersLet this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things youve always wanted to do but couldnt find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you dont think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. Youll look ten years younger. Dont be afraid to say, I love you. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world.Maria EdgeworthThere is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence. P. J. ORourkeIt is better to spend money like theres no tomorrow than to spend tonight like theres no money.Ogden NashEvery New Year is the direct descendant, isnt it, of a long line of proven criminals?George William CurtisThe New Year begins in a snowstorm of white vows.Ellen GoodmanWe spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but for potential.Samuel JohnsonSurely, it is much easier to respect a man who has always had respect, than to respect a man who we know was last year no better than ourselves  and will be no better next year.Friedrich NietzscheNo, life has not disappointed me. On the contrary, I find it truer, more desirable and mysterious every year ever since the day when the great liberator came to me: the idea that life could be an experiment of the seeker for knowledge and not a duty, n ot a calamity, not trickery. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowLook not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.Kersti BergrothIt is difficult not to believe that the next year will be better than the old one! And this illusion is not wrong. Future is always good, no matter what happens. It will always give us what we need and what we want in secret. It will always bless us with right gifts. Thus in a deeper sense, our belief in the New Year cannot deceive us.Albert EinsteinI feel that you are justified in looking into the future with true assurance  because you have a mode of living in which we find the joy of life and the joy of work harmoniously combined. Added to this is the spirit of ambition which pervades your very being, and seems to make the days work like a happy child at play.

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