Friday, January 3, 2020

The Effects Of Higher Minimum Wage Essays - 1982 Words

The Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage When I was eleven years old my parents told me that they could not afford to buy me new school clothes that year. So, in my desperation for some new school clothes I started working. I did odd jobs on farms for family and friends, as well as babysitting. I worked that whole summer of my 6th grade year, and I continued to work every summer up until my senior year in high school when I started to work full-time. I started helping pay my parents rent when I was thirteen and bought most of my own food as a young adult. I bought all of my cars, and I am paying for my own school. So you might ask why were we so poor? Was it because you had deadbeat parents? Did they not work full-time? What? Why were you†¦show more content†¦Consumers would have to spend more money for the same goods and as a result of that the poverty line would actually be raised if the minimum wage were to be raised. I will discuss into further detail about these topics and who the raised wages would actually affect, and the answer is surprising. The people that would take the biggest blow are the stake holders of large corporate companies that would have to raise the cost of employee wages if the minimum wage were to be raised. If a corporation with 10,000 employees working forty hours a week had to give their employees a fifty cent raise, they would lose over ten million dollars a year. Now I do not know about you, but if I had a company and I was about to lose ten million dollars a year I would be trying to compensate for it. Wilson (1999), states that if the federal minimum wage were to be raised companies might respond in such a way that may cost employees their fringe benefits. They would lose hours, medical benefits, yearly bonuses and merit based raises. Okay, so some people may lose benefits, but at least they are able to bring home more in their pockets. Fair enough, but what if that wasn’t enough to compensate for the profit loss in companies? So now what? Well the company’s only option is to fire some employees. Sherk (2007), states â€Å"that most estimates suggest that each ten percent increase in the minimum wage reduces employment in affected groups of workers by roughly two percent.Show MoreRelatedThis Study Focuses On How The Minimum-Wage Serves As A1162 Words   |  5 Pages This study focuses on how the minimum-wage serves as a place for prime age workers, those between the age of 25 and 54, to get stuck. For the purpose of this study, minimum-wage was established as anyone earning less than or equal to $1.00 above the 1997 wage of $5.15, as adjusted by inflation. While minimum-wage was developed as a floor for wages, this study asserts that a worker with one child will be nearly $3,000 below the poverty line even if they work full-time, full-year. 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