Thursday, February 20, 2020

Antimalware techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Antimalware techniques - Essay Example Email Filtering eliminates Malware-infected images from mail, and holds SPAM (most of whose URLs take you to Malware spreading websites) out of Inbox.   Firewalls choke up Malware from corresponding to the outside world. A  honeypot  is a  trap  installed to observe, avoid, or in some way neutralize attempts at unauthenticated use of  information systems. Commonly it consists of a  computer system, data, or a network site that appears to be element of a  network, but in reality is isolated and under observation, and which appears to contain information or a resource of value to attackers (Ciampa,  2009, p.  169-170). Behavior-blocking is a capability of some anti-malware tools that provides few of the best security available. It uses a more advanced approach at detection than merely matching applications against signatures of well known infections. Rather, it operates like a firewall by monitoring incoming applications for particular executions that show features of malicious code. Operating System and anti-malware tools should be up-to-date. Number of rogue software and security breaches in the OS is being exposed. Manufacturers of OS and anti-malware tools release updates for their products repeatedly. A un-updates OS or anti-malware would not be helpful in case of any

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Drugs and Crime- The Media's Influence-repost Personal Statement

Drugs and Crime- The Media's Influence-repost - Personal Statement Example According to Morgan, the freedom of media need regulation in order to meet the needs of the citizenry, which requires impartial, justice and fairness (46). The misrepresentation of facts is a crime and the media should be accountable for false information. This is because the misrepresentation of facts is a civil misdeed, which may lead to defamation and other damages on the part of the defendant. The media should discourage drugs, instead of the media applying double standards in a bid to save the image of celebrities like Bieber. The media should take the initiative to enlighten the public, especially the youth, on the side effects of misuse of drugs. This will serve as a deterrent measure of the prevalence of drug misuse, which leads to road carnage and other social evils. The media can make use of advertisements and other form of media outlets in the dissemination of information on the effects of misuse of drugs (Morgan 67). Information is power and it can help the decision making process of the vulnerable populace especially the youth population. The media should not be allowed to be part of any criminal proceedings with regard to drugs and crime. This will ensure that justice is administered without undue